Current Local Weather Conditions
Dawn: |
07:12 |
Sunrise: |
07:51 |
Moonrise: |
11:15 |
Dusk: |
16:40 |
Sunset: |
16:01 |
Moonset: |
18:32 |
Daylight: |
09:27 |
Day length: |
08:10 |
Moon Phase: |
Waxing Crescent |
The weather station in use here is the ecowitt GW1101 (previosuly the Fine Offset WH1080) which has been logging weather samples every 60 seconds for the last 2550 days.
These weather pages are updated every 5 minutes and the meteorological day used at this station runs
from midnight to midnight.
Forecast: Fine, becoming less settled
The outlook for Hythe in the week ahead shows the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 10°C, with a high for the week of 13°C expected on the afternoon of Thursday 5th.
The mean minimum temperature will be 5°C, dipping to its lowest on the evening of Wednesday 11th at 2°C.
The week will
have mixed overhead conditions with some days dry and some seeing a significant amount of rain.
It looks like Thursday 11th will have the most precipitation with an accumulation of around 12.0mm.
On the whole winds are likely to be fresh.
The strongest wind will be experienced on Saturday evening, coming from a north westerly direction, and reaching around 31mph.
The forecast suggests the maximum gusts will be on Monday morning.
Conditions at 20:45 on 04 December 2024
Temperature and Humidity |
Temperature |
10.2 °C |
Dew Point |
9.6 °C |
Windchill |
10.2 °C |
Humidity |
96% |
Heat Index |
10.2 °C |
Apparent Temperature |
9.5 °C |
Rainfall |
Rainfall Today |
1.8 mm |
Rainfall Rate |
1.8 mm/hr |
Rainfall This Month |
11.2 mm |
Rainfall This Year |
914.6 mm |
Rainfall Last Hour |
1.3 mm |
Last rainfall |
2024-12-04 20:38 |
Wind |
Wind Speed (gust) |
8 mph |
Wind Speed (avg) |
2 mph |
Wind Bearing |
230° SW |
Beaufort F1 |
Light air |
Pressure |
Barometer |
1020.8 mb |
Falling |
-0.7 mb/hr |
Solar |
Radiation |
0 W/m2 |
UV-Index |
0.0 |
Page updated 04/12/2024 20:45:03
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